When you finish your evaluation, you are going to have a vacation homework project. You are going to explain this in a video that you have to send to me until April 20th, My e-mail is: mijares.juliebarraza@gmail.com
Please follow these instructions:
1st. Grade
You are going to present a poster talking about you favorite animal.
- Draw or paste pictures of your favorite animal in a cardboard
- Write its characteristics, at least 5 adjectives
This is an example of what you can do in order to present it in the video that you are going to send me to my e-mail.
2nd. Grade
You are going to present a poster talking about your favorite toy.
- Draw or paste pictures about your favorite toy in a cardboard
- Write its characteristics, at least 5 adjectives
This is an example of what you can do in order to present it in the video that you are going to send me to my e-mail.
3rd. Grade
You are going to present a poster talking about your favorite vacation.
- Draw or paste pictures about your favorite vacation in a cardboard
- Write its characteristics
This is an example of what you can do in order to present it in the video that you are going to send me to my e-mail.
6th. Grade
You are going to present a poster talking about your favorite restaurant.
- Draw or paste some pictures about your favorite restaurant in a cardboard
- Write its characteristics
- Talk about it
This is an example of what you can do in order to present it in the video that you are going to send me to my e-mail.