Thursday, April 30, 2020





Happy Childrens Day - Images with Phrases and Messages to Share!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Good morning kids! As you know, today is your evaluation. You are going to answer it here. You have only today to solve it. Good Luck!

6th. grade Track 16

6th. grade Track 2


Hello kids, good morning! As you know, today is your evaluation. You are going to answer it here. You have only today to solve it. Good Luck! 

Nota importante: en la sección Unscramble de words hay tres palabras que no permite que se ponga la palabra, pongan el número 1 para que los deje avanzar. Gracias!

3rd. grade Track 16

3rd. grade Track 1


Good morning kids! As you know, today is your evaluation. You are going to answer it here. You have only today to solve it. Good Luck!

Nota importante, en la sección de Listening section Part 2 van a poner el número dependiendo de el orden en que escucharon la palabra. Gracias.

2nd. grade Track 3

2nd. grade Track 7


Hello kids, good morning. As you know, today is your evaluation. You are going to answer it here. You have only today to solve it. Good Luck!

1st. Grade

1st. grade Track 3

1st. grade Track 7

Monday, April 27, 2020


Good morning kids! So happy to be with you again! Hope you are having a great time at home! I miss you so much!

Here is your exam guide, please let me know if you have any questions. Tomorrow we are going to review it.

1st. Grade


Vocabulary Words: Lessons 1, 2, 3 and 4
Sentences structures
Identify the pictures
Reading and Comprehension

2nd Grade

Vocabulary Words: Lessons 1, 2, 3 and 4
Sentences structures
Identify the pictures
Listening Comprehension
Reading and Comprehension
Quantifiers: some, many, a lot of,  a few

3rd Grade

Vocabulary Words: Lessons 1, 2, 3 and 4
Sentences structures
Unscramble the words
Identify the pictures
Listening Comprehension
Reading and Comprehension
Will or Going To

6th Grade

Vocabulary Words: Lessons 1, 2, 3 and 4
Sentences structures
Identify the pictures
Present Continuous Tense
Listening Comprehension
Reading and Comprehension

Friday, April 24, 2020

Aviso a padres de familia

¡Buenas tardes! este mensaje es para darles a conocer las actividades de la próxima semana. Tendremos exámenes y estaremos celebrando a nuestros niños.

El jueves 30 de Abril tendremos clase Zoom y en ella estaremos haciendo diferentes dinámicas para que se diviertan. Será un día de ¡peinados y sombreros locos! Les pedimos su colaboración  y juntos pasemos un rato muy divertido.


1st Grade

Activity 1: Watch the next video to learn more about Present Progressive tense:

Activity 2: Now try to sing this song to understand more about this:

Activity 3: Complete this form:

2nd Grade

Activity 1: Watch the next video to learn more about Object Pronouns:

Activity 2: Now watch this video to understand more about this topic:

Activity 3: Complete the following form:

3rd Grade

Activity 1: Watch the video to learn more about future tenses Will and Going To:

Activity 2: Now, watch this video to understand more about this topic:

Activity 3: To finish, complete this form:

6th Grade

Activity 1: Watch the video to learn more about Present Perfect tense:

Activity 2: Now, watch this video to understand more about this topic:

Activity 3: To finish, complete this form:

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


1. Students good morning, hope you are fine. Today you are going to do the pages from your book but do not send them to me, just complete them.

2. Complete the form, I will received it automatically.

1st Grade

Activity 1

1st grade track 18

Activity 2

Listen to the track and complete the speaking section:

1st. grade track 19

Activity 3

Listen to the story and circle the verb that expresses possession:

1st grade track 20

2nd Grade

Activity 1

Here is the track to complete page 56

2nd grade track 18

Activity 2

This is the track to comple page 57

2nd grade track 19

Activity 3

Listen to the story on page 58 and 59

2nd grade track 20

Activity 4

Read the following sentences, then choose the correct option from the Word Bank and complete the form below:

3rd Grade

Activity 1

Listen to the track to answer the Listening Comprehension section:

3rd grade track 18

Activity 2

Listen to the track to answer the form below, use the Word Bank:

3rd grade track 19

Activity 3

Listen to the story and fill in the blanks with the correct missing words.

3rd grade track 20

6th Grade

Activity 1

Listening Comprehension, complete book page 58 using track 18

6th grade track 18

Activity 2

Listen to the story on page 60, 61 and 62 and fill in the blanks using track 20

6th grade track 20


Hello kids, good morning! How are you today? Hope you are doing fine. Let me tell you that I miss you all. If you need the audios (tracks) from Lesson 4, you have them in your last homework, this will be yesterdays lesson.

1st Grade

Today we are going to continue on Lesson 4, if you attended class, just practice the words that you got wrong in the dictation, if you didn´t attend class, please complete this pages to keep on practicing, and don´t forget to send these to my e-mail writing your full name in the subject:

2nd Grade

Today we are going to continue on Lesson 4, if you attended class, just practice the words that you got wrong in the dictation, if you didn´t attend class, please complete this pages to keep on practicing, and don´t forget to send these to my e-mail writing your full name in the subject:

3rd Grade

Today we are going to continue on Lesson 4, if you attended class, just practice the words that you got wrong in the dictation, if you didn´t attend class, please complete this pages to keep on practicing, and don´t forget to send these to my e-mail writing your full name in the subject:

6th Grade

Today we are going to continue on Lesson 4, if you attended class, just practice the words that you got wrong in the dictation, if you didn´t attend class, please complete this pages to keep on practicing, and don´t forget to send these to my e-mail writing your full name in the subject:

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Hello kids! Good morning! Today we are going to begin with our Zoom sessions:

1st grade              9:30 - 10:10 am
2nd grade           10:30 - 11:10 am
3rd grade      12:00 pm - 12:40 pm
6th grade          1:00 pm - 1:40 pm



Students, as you know, we are going to be working with our book, if you don´t have it, you can print or write it in your notebook.

1st Grade April 21 Words Lesson 4
1st. Grade April 21 Word in Sentences



Students, as you know, we are going to be working with our book, if you don´t have it, you can print or write it in your notebook.

2nd Grade Lesson 4 Words Track 7

2nd Grade Words in sentences Track 8



Students, as you know, we are going to be working with our book, if you don´t have it, you can print or write it in your notebook.

3rd Grade Lesson 4 Words Track 16

3rd Grade Lesson 4 Words in sentences Track 17



Students, as you know, we are going to be working with our book, if you don´t have it, you can print or write it in your notebook.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

A todos los padres de familia

Aviso importante:

Buenos días a todos, esperando se encuentren muy bien, les recuerdo que hoy Lunes 20 y el próximo viernes 24 estaré de 9 a 1 pm entregando el quinto y último libro de Inglés, así como el cuarto libro que se quedó pendiente de entregar. Es indispensable que pasen a recoger sus libros para las clases. Muchas Gracias.

Good morning kids and parents! Hope you are doing great. Remember how are we going to work from now on:

Mondays and Fridays you are going to receive a link in which you will find a video with instructions.

Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays we are going to have a Zoom session 
ID 3731963602 
Password: 8FeSfE   

Let me know if you have any questions 8711378635.

Here is your first activity, you will need earphones to listen to it.

1st. Grade Activites Monday April 20th

2nd Grade Activities Monday April 20th

3rd Grade Activities Monday April 20th

6th Grade Activities Monday April 20th

Aviso a todos los padres de familia

Los días Lunes 20 y Viernes 24 estaré en el colegio de 9:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. entregando el quinto y último libro de Inglés. Es muy importante que lo recojan para las clases. Así también les informo que seguiremos con la modalidad de trabajo virtual, sólo que con algunas mejoras.

A partir del Martes empezaremos a trabajar de la siguiente manera:

Clases virtuales y clases online. La clase virtual seguirá siendo igual a como lo habíamos trabajado anteriormente sólo que habrá más intervención por mi parte. La clase online será en vivo. Es necesario que se apeguen a los horarios establecidos, recuerden que no son vacaciones, a continuación les comparto los horarios:

Un ejemplo, 1er grado tiene sus clases online los días martes, miércoles y jueves de 9:30 a 10:10, esos tres días deben entrar a la plataforma Zoom, ingresar el ID de reunión y el password y unirse en vivo a una clase. Recuerden que tienen mi número 8711378635 para cualquier duda. Si sus hijos no se conectan será clase no tomada. Como pueden observar hay un horario de atención a padres de familia (Meeting Zoom with Parents), en el cual estaré ahí para resolver cualquier duda o inquietud que puedan tener. Este es el ID de reunión y password para las clases:

Online Classes Zoom
Meeting ID: 3731963602
Password: 8FeSfE

Sunday, April 5, 2020


Me da mucho gusto saludarlos y deseando estén muy bien, les comento que durante este periodo de vacaciones, los alumnos tienen su tarea de presentación en video para que me envíen por correo antes del 20 de Abril, así como también las actividades que tienen pendientes, les comento ya que algunos alumnos no tienen ninguna actividad realizada. Esto es muy importante ya que todas están siendo revisadas y tomadas en cuenta para su evaluación.

Estoy a sus órdenes para cualquier duda que tuvieran. Aquí les dejo mi correo y celular:

Friday, April 3, 2020

To all Students

When you finish your evaluation, you are going to have a vacation homework project. You are going to explain this in a video that you have to send to me until April 20th,  My e-mail is:

Please follow these instructions:

1st. Grade

You are going to present a poster talking about you favorite animal.

- Draw or paste pictures of your favorite animal in a cardboard
- Write its characteristics, at least 5 adjectives

This is an example of what you can do in order to present it in the video that you are going to send me to my e-mail.

My Favorite Animal: Draw and Write Prompts | Printable Skills Sheets

2nd. Grade

You are going to present a poster talking about your favorite toy.

- Draw or paste pictures about your favorite toy in a cardboard
- Write its characteristics, at least 5 adjectives

This is an example of what you can do in order to present it in the video that you are going to send me to my e-mail.

With this informative/explanatory writing unit students will write ...

3rd. Grade

You are going to present a poster talking about your favorite vacation.

- Draw or paste pictures about your favorite vacation in a cardboard
- Write its characteristics

This is an example of what you can do in order to present it in the video that you are going to send me to my e-mail.

1st Grade Worksheets for January | Narrative writing prompts, 1st ...

6th. Grade

You are going to present a poster talking about your favorite restaurant.

- Draw or paste some pictures about your favorite restaurant in a cardboard
- Write its characteristics
- Talk about it

This is an example of what you can do in order to present it in the video that you are going to send me to my e-mail.

Writing Task: Favourite Restaurant - English ESL Worksheets for ...

6th Graders