Friday, February 28, 2020


1st. and 2nd graders:

Study the alphabet, numbers from 1 to 20, days of the week and months of the year.

3rd graders:

Bring your project for next Monday. (a phonograph or a movie camera). Remember you can use recycled materials.

6th graders:

Don´t forget to bring your book for next Monday.

Spelling Bee Contest 2020

Congrats kids on your Spelling Bee performance!

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Monday, February 24, 2020


1st grade

Write the possessive pronoun in the correct sentence:

yours     mine     his    theirs    hers   ours

It is her doll. It is _______.

It is my backpack. It is ________.

It is your notebook. It is _______.

It is our house. It is ________.

It is his car. It is _______.

It is their key. It is _______.

2nd grade

Image result for do does worksheets for grade 2

3rd grade

Write and answer this exercise in your notebook. (Only from number 1 to 10) Use of a/an

Image result for a and an worksheets for grade 2

6th grade

Study this list of verbs:

Image result for verbs exercises


Thursday, February 20, 2020


1st grade

In your notebook write and read the words, then circle the ones that should start with a capital letter:

tree        christmas        january       box          chair          france           girl           tuesday

2nd grade

In your notebook write and fill in the blanks using the question words:

Who           What            Where             When              Why

1. ____________ are they coming? They are coming this morning.

2. ____________ are you doing? I am doing my homework.

3. ____________ is with you? My sister is with me.

4. ____________ is your father? My father is in his room.

5. ____________ are you sad? I am sad because I lost my book.

3rd grade

Answer pages 69 and 70.

6th grade

Solve book page 68-70.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020


1st grade

Image result for body parts worksheet

2nd grade

Write in your notebook 5 sentences using present progressive.
e.g. I am doing homework.

3rd grade

Study the days of the week, months of the year, and write 5 sentences using past progressive.
e.g. He was playing video games.

6th grade

Study your list of verbs

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


1st grade

Write it in your notebook and fill in the blanks with the correct possessive adjective:

his    your   their   her   my   our   its

Tony and I eat lunch. This is ______ lunch.

This is Mony´s classroom. This is ______ classroom.

The dog has a ball. The dog plays with ______ ball.

The boys have toy cars. The boys play with _______ toys.

Patrick has a spider. This is ______ spider.

This flower is for you. This is ______ flower.

2nd grade

Write it in your notebook and fill in the blanks with "There is/ There are":

There _____ five girls.

There _____ a boy running in the park.

There _____ a cat playing with the ball.

There _____ more birds coming!

There _____ a girl wearing a blue skirt.

3rd grade

Design and test your own experiment and write about it in the last row, page 65.

6th grade

Study the words from lesson 4.

Monday, February 17, 2020


To all groups:

Check your Home Schooling 1, 2, 3 and 4 Lesson, remember that you need to have this done and signed. If you already did it, you don´t have homework. Enjoy your evening.

Thursday, February 13, 2020


A todos los grupos:

Buenas tardes: Recuerden que mañana 14 de Febrero estaremos celebrando el día del amor y la amistad. Como ya saben, pueden venir vestidos en ropa casual en rojo, rosa o blanco para andar todos en armonía.

Se dará un momento de convivencia en el patio donde habrán algodones de azúcar y globos a la venta, así como un radio para mandar mensajes y canciones o cantar y bailar.

La única tarea que llevan es el Home Schooling de la lección 3 (los que faltan) y la 4 (todos) para entregar el día lunes. Mañana no traerán útiles y la salida será a la 1:30.


Wednesday, February 12, 2020


1st grade

Write the following sentences in your notebook and underline the past tense:

1. Tom invited us to his birthday party.

2. We finished the exam half past ten.

3. My sister studied that lesson.

4. They arrived on time.

5. He asked me to bring my books.

2nd grade

Write these sentence starters and finish them with your own words to talk about dogs.

1. Dogs are _____________________________________.

2. Most dogs like to ______________________________.

3. My dog is ____________________________________.

4. Some dogs don´t _______________________________.

5. Dogs are not __________________________________.

3rd grade

Write 5 sentences using the following negative contractions:  aren´t, won´t, don´t, doesn´t, and wasn´t

6th grade

Finish your postcard, page 50.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


1st grade

Image result for past tense worksheets for grade 1

2nd grade

Print or write it and answer in your notebook.
Image result for conjunctions and or but worksheets

3rd grade

Answer page 92, What are some things you know? What are some things you think? Write a paragraph about the difference between things you know and things you think. Use the phrases "I know..." and "I think...".

6th grade

Print or write it in your notebook and answer it:
Image result for passive voice worksheets for grade 5

Friday, February 7, 2020


1st grade

Finish your kite at home and have fun with your family!

2nd grade

In half cardboard, paste pictures about an animal family, e.g. The cat family: The lion is called the king of the jungle. He is huge and strong with sharp claws and a bushy mane. Another large cat is the tiger, a terrible hunter, and three very fast runners: the panther, leopard and the cheetah. You can titled  your presentation: Amazing animals, and write about one family.

3rd grade

Spelling kids, keep on practicing the words. The others, study the meaning of your list of words from lessons 1, 2 and 3.

6th grade

Get prepared with your oral presentation next Monday.

Thursday, February 6, 2020


1st grade

Print or write and answer it in your notebook.

Image result for past tenses with ed for first grades

2nd grade

Print, or copy and answer it in your notebook.

Image result for present progressive worksheets for grade 2

3rd grade

Home Schooling page 40.

6th grade

Work with your partner in your oral presentation for next Monday, book page 43. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2020


1st grade

Solve book page 86. Write the verbs in the correct column.

2nd grade

Answer book page 22.

3rd grade

Image result for contractions worksheet"

6th grade

Home Schooling page 40.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


1st grade

Image result for possessive adjectives for grade 1"

2nd grade

Answer book page 83 and 84.

3rd grade
Image result for past progressive 3rd graders worksheets"

6th grade

Answer page 89 and remember to bring your list of irregular and regular verbs.

6th Graders