Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Buenas tardes! Mañana los niños vendrán caracterizados, sin mochila y el horario de salida es a la 1:30. Muchas gracias!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


1st graders

Solve pages 67 and 68

2nd graders

Home Schooling

Page 8, parents, please dictate the words on page 3

3rd graders

Home Schooling

Page 8, parents, please dictate the words on page 3

6th graders

Solve pages 7 and 73

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Monday, October 21, 2019


1st graders

Write in your notebook five sentences using verbs with the pronouns he, she and it. e.g.
He writes a letter to his mom.

2nd graders

Unscramble the following sentences. e.g.
is/There/apple/an/the/on/table.  There is an apple on the table.

1. are/There/toys/the/on/floor.
2. five/There/boys/are/class./in/the
3. a/There/is/book/table./on/the
4. four/There/children/are/the/on/playground.
5. is/There/one/on/donut/the/plate.

3rd graders

Write in your notebook the correct form on the lines. Use There is/There are

1. _________________ a few tigers in Siberia.
2. _________________ a whole page of homework to do.
3. _________________ a three in front of the school.
4. _________________ a mosquito on my nose!

6th graders

Writing task: Write a three-paragraph essay about someone who lives a life of virtue. It can be someone you know personally, or someone you have learned about. Be sure to include details about what the person does/did that makes them virtuous.

Friday, October 18, 2019


1st grade

Image result for pronouns worksheets for grade 1

2nd grade

Draw a picture of a panda on the postcard in your book page 63. Write about an idea to help protect the pandas and their habitat. And write what do you think would happen if there were no more bamboo forests. Write a complete answer.

3rd grade

Study the alphabet.

6th grade

Pretend you are the director of a zoo. Two new pandas have just arrived to the zoo from China. What information would you present to visitors about the pandas? How would you display it? In half cardboard, create an informational sign about your panda exhibit. Include five facts you have learned about pandas. Be creative! You can use drawings, pictures from the internet, different color, whatever you think might be interesting to your guests!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


1st graders

Practice the abc song

2nd graders

Practice the numbers song

3rd graders

Practice this list of verbs at home.

Image result for list of verbs for kids

6th graders

Answer your book page 63

Monday, October 14, 2019


1st graders

Image result for pronouns worksheets for grade 1

2nd graders

Image result for adjectives worksheets for grade 1

6th graders

Finish what we were doing this afternoon.

Friday, October 11, 2019


1st graders

Print, or write these imperative verbs in your notebook.

Image result for imperative verb list

2nd graders

Practicing ordinal numbers. Answer book page 92.

3rd graders

Image result for prepositions worksheets for kids

6th graders

Study for your test next Monday.

Thursday, October 10, 2019


1st graders

Answer book page 94.

2nd graders

Finish page 90. Write something about yourself by completing the sentences below.

3rd graders

6th graders

Practice your list of words. Review of the topics mention this afternoon. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


1st graders

Circle the correct form of the verb:

1. She write/writes a letter.

2. He swim/swims in the pool.

3. It eats/eat a carrot.

4. She play/plays basketball.

5. It makes/make noise.

6. He count/counts apples.

2nd graders

Answer your book page 88.

3rd graders

Solve page 94 from your book.

6th graders

Study your word list on page 51.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


1st graders

Study the following verbs:

2nd graders

Match the drawing to the personal pronoun:

3rd graders

6th graders

Study the words on page 51.

Monday, October 7, 2019


1st graders

Practice the verbs we saw this morning:


2nd graders

Rewrite the following sentences in their negative form:

1. There is a pencil. e.g. There is not a pencil.
2. There are books.
3. There is an apple.
4. There are dogs.
5. There is a cat.
6. Those are my jeans.
7. This is your skirt.
8. These are your shoes.
9. My mom is at home.
10. She is my aunt.

3rd graders

Make a clock out of cardboard and bring it tomorrow.
Image result for clock made of cardboard

6th graders

Design your poster on a large piece of paper or cardboard advertising the Great Wall history tour.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

6th Graders